That Bittersweet Day

Well it's finally here, the equally exciting and also sad day when it's time to chop down those girls you've lovingly cared for over the last 3+ months.  Well, let's be honest, there's always more joy (tempered by the hours of utterly monotonous trimming ahead) then sadness but I always have a moment of grieving…

Dragging Myself to the Finish Line

This last week the garden has really come together and for a change it feels like I'm finally ahead of things instead of playing catch up.  So it only seemed fitting to go out dancing since DJ Shub was playing in town Sat night to close out the Jazz Fest.  So once again this week…

A Couple Quick Shots…

Plus a brief update on the garden is all I'll be writing today as I had my first physio appointment in a month and I'm feeling sore.  Sore enough that laying flat seems like a better idea then writing another blog in the endless blog-o-sphere. So it'll be a nice change from my usual prolonged…

This Week in the Garden

The week is starting off grey, with just enough of a light drizzle to keep Fat Cat Poe inside and grumpy.   So beside keeping him company and scratching his belly today my first job this week will be some integrated pest management (IPM).  Specifically I'm worried about powdery mildew as the humidity has been up…

Taster Tested

Mota monday is here again, another weekend slowly slipping from memory as the weekend's smoke clears. Which is something I get asked about often; how do I remember the tastes & effects of so many strains after smoking them? Sadly it's not some esoteric secret, taught to initiates of the cult of Soma as we…

Marvelous Monday Mota

Good Morning & happy new week! I just started the day with a lovely sativa dom hybred, leaving me lifted & loving life. So I'd like to take a second to extend that delight to others & share something that I've been enjoying tinkering with lately, GrowBuddy. It's a journal app for growers that lets…