Welcome to the Next Year

It's surreal to think of how much has changed in the last year. Personally I went from being unable to move at this point last year, heavily sedated on opiates, through a gradual recovery to the point where I can start working again. I'm incredibly thankful my doctor was open to cannabis for pain management…

A New Start at the End…

...of an old year seems like a fitting way to sum up life in the garden at the moment. As always it parallels my own life as there's been some significant changes over the last couple months. Which partly explains my absence, although it was also partly due to stepping back and focusing on some…

The End

We're just over 6 hours away from the dream of legalisation becoming a reality when the cannabis act becomes law at midnight.  More surprising is that I've managed to actually follow through and finish the pillar's of Z.A.G. in time, despite my immediate lapse after deciding to write daily.  I still blame the butter tarts,…

Getting to the Root of it All

So we've finally worked our way all the way down to where it all comes together, the root zone aka Rhizosphere (I know, it sounds like an 80's hair band).  It's the mysterious, wondrous area that we're still learning more about as we realise how limited the old mechanistic view of soil chemistry was because…

Let it Rain

I couldn't imagine more appropriate weather to write about all things water related today since it's been raining all morning.  I don't mind at all as it's essential to recharge the water shed after a long hot summer.  Well, it would be if we didn't have such a mild summer with so much rain... Luckily…

A Breath of Fresh Air

So you may have noticed in the first post in the Z.A.G. series didn't get into either specifics or make strong recommendations.  There's always lots of people telling beginners exactly what to do and that'll probably never change.  I'm here to ask questions, make you think about the why not the how.  Specifics are easy…

Absence doesn’t always…

Make the heart grow fonder, sometime's it just leads to neglected plants.  Life has come crashing back into my shell of peace and quiet as my recovery progresses, hopefully soon I'll be able to get back into the work force.  For now it's taken the form of family and friends insisting I socialise after months…

That Bittersweet Day

Well it's finally here, the equally exciting and also sad day when it's time to chop down those girls you've lovingly cared for over the last 3+ months.  Well, let's be honest, there's always more joy (tempered by the hours of utterly monotonous trimming ahead) then sadness but I always have a moment of grieving…

Dragging Myself to the Finish Line

This last week the garden has really come together and for a change it feels like I'm finally ahead of things instead of playing catch up.  So it only seemed fitting to go out dancing since DJ Shub was playing in town Sat night to close out the Jazz Fest.  So once again this week…

A Couple Quick Shots…

Plus a brief update on the garden is all I'll be writing today as I had my first physio appointment in a month and I'm feeling sore.  Sore enough that laying flat seems like a better idea then writing another blog in the endless blog-o-sphere. So it'll be a nice change from my usual prolonged…